Add members to your organization
Marketplace APIs are not yet generally available. Please record interest in early access here.
1. Navigate to the members list​
To see the list of members, navigate to the Organization page.
Log into the Developer portal and navigate to the Organization Page by following: Developer Portal > Organization > Members

2. Start adding a member​
Click the Add Member button to start adding a member.

3. Enter the member's details​
Enter your teammate's email address, select a role for them, and click Add Member.
Your teammate must already have a DoorDash identity. If they don't, have them sign up at and then come back to the Add Member screen.

Member is added​
You should now see your teammate listed as a member of the organization. Send the new member a link to the Developer Portal and have them sign in.

Next steps​
- Learn more about what roles are available in the Roles reference guide