Drive API (2.0.26)
Create Quote
Confirm that a delivery is serviceable by DoorDash and what it would cost by creating a quote. Get a quote on delivery fee and validate coverage. Learn how to use this API in the Create & Accept Quotes how-to guide.
Request Body schema: application/json
external_delivery_id required | string (ExternalDeliveryId) /[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Unique ID generated by the caller for the delivery. |
locale | string (Locale) The language DoorDash should use when sending updates about this delivery. Supported locales : |
order_fulfillment_method | string (OrderFulfillmentMethod) Enum: "standard" "catering" "shop_stage" "shop_deliver" "parcel" "large_order" "shop_handoff" Type of fulfillment required for Delivery ("shop_stage", "shop_deliver", "shop_handoff" for DSS/DSD/DSH delivery; "parcel" for parcel delivery. "catering" is deprecated.) |
origin_facility_id | string (OriginFacilityId) Merchant warehouse id for the midmile |
pickup_address | string (PickupAddress) Comma-separated full address, in the order appropriate for your locale. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. |
pickup_business_name | string (PickupAddressName) Optional name of the place, to help Dashers find the location. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. |
pickup_phone_number | string (Pickup Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the pick up. Should include the country code and must match the country of the store for which the delivery is created. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard. |
pickup_instructions | string (PickupInstructions) Instructions for the Dasher to follow when picking up the order. |
pickup_reference_tag | string (ReferenceTag) A reference that can help Dasher identify the correct delivery item for pick up/drop-off. |
pickup_external_business_id | string (ExternalBusinessId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your business. Used in combination with pickup_external_store_id to select the pick up location. If you provide an pickup_external_business_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_store_id. |
pickup_external_store_id | string (ExternalStoreId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your store. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_business_id. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, the address of the store will override the pickup_address in the request. |
object (PickupVerificationMetadata) Optional pickup verification metadata. Use this to enable order level pickup verification | |
dropoff_address required | string (DropoffAddress) Comma-separated full address, in the order appropriate for your locale. |
dropoff_business_name | string (DropoffAddressName) Optional name of the place, to help Dashers find the location. |
object (Location) [Pre-release field: submit a ticket in the Developer Portal or reach out to your DoorDash contact if you would like to provide precise location information.] The precise location, as latitude and longitude, of the drop-off. If your request includes both location and address, location will be used for Dasher navigation only; address will be used for fee and serviceability checks. | |
dropoff_phone_number required | string (Drop-off Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the delivery. Should include the country code. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard |
dropoff_instructions | string (DropoffInstructions) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ Instructions for the Dasher to follow when picking up the order. |
dropoff_contact_given_name | string (GivenName) [^~`@#\$%\^&\*\+=\?;\[{\]\}] Given/first name of the contact. |
dropoff_contact_family_name | string (FamilyName) [^~`@#\$%\^&\*\+=\?;\[{\]\}] Family/last name of the contact. |
dropoff_contact_send_notifications | boolean (SendNotifications) Whether the contact will receive notifications from DoorDash for this delivery. The default is true. |
object (DropoffOptions) Additional options for drop off | |
United States (object) or Canada (object) or Australia (object) or New Zealand (object) (DropoffAddressComponents) The Dropoff address broken down into independent components. | |
object (DropoffPinCodeVerificationMetadata) An object that specifies the dropoff pin code verification related details for this order. When "pin_code" is set in "dropoff_options.proof_of_delivery", the object must include relevant pin code data. Conversely, if "pin_code" is not set as "proof_of_delivery", the object should exclude any pin code data. Pin Code can be enabled only for orders that are non-contactless and not unattended deliveries. Please reach out to Doordash to enable this feature for your business. | |
object (ShoppingOptions) Details about how to shop and pay for the delivery for shop_deliver and shop_stage orders | |
order_value | integer <int32> (OrderValue) >= 0 The subtotal for all items in the order, excluding tax/tip, in the lowest currency denomination (e.g. cents). i.e. $19.99 = 1999. |
Array of objects (DeliveryItem) The items included in the order. | |
pickup_time | string (TimeDetails) Time details in ISO-8601 format. |
dropoff_time | string (TimeDetails) Time details in ISO-8601 format. |
object (TimeWindowDetails) The UTC date-time (in ISO-8601 format) overrides dropoff_time and pickup_time when all four parameters of the time window (pickup_window_start_time , pickup_window_end_time , dropoff_window_start_time , dropoff_window_end_time) are provided. | |
object (TimeWindowDetails) The UTC date-time (in ISO-8601 format) overrides dropoff_time and pickup_time when all four parameters of the time window (pickup_window_start_time , pickup_window_end_time , dropoff_window_start_time , dropoff_window_end_time) are provided. | |
Day (string) or TimeDetails (string) (CustomerExpectedSla) The expected delivery time or date shown to the customer. | |
Day (string) or TimeDetails (string) (ExpiresBy) The last time or date the order can be delivered before expiration | |
object (ShippingLabelMetadata) A JSON document that allows adding metadata about the shipping label such as sort_code, etc. Please reach out to Doordash to enable this feature for your business. | |
contactless_dropoff | boolean (Contactless) Whether the delivery should be contactless, which prompts a Dasher to take a picture of the delivery at drop-off. |
action_if_undeliverable | string (ActionIfUndeliverable) Enum: "return_to_pickup" "dispose" What the Dasher should do if the delivery is undeliverable. The default is "dispose". See Create return to pickup deliveries for more information. |
tip | integer <int32> (Tip) >= 0 The tip amount. Use cents or the equivalent lowest currency denomination (e.g. $5.99 = 599). |
object (OrderContains) An object that specifies the restricted item(s) contained in this order. | |
dasher_allowed_vehicles | Array of strings (DasherAllowedVehicles) Items Enum: "car" "bicycle" "walking" The vehicle type(s) that a Dasher can use to complete this delivery. The default is "car". |
dropoff_requires_signature | boolean (SignatureRequired) Whether the delivery requires signature verification during drop-off. |
promotion_id | string (PromotionId) The ID of the promotion that you want to apply to the delivery. If the promotion ID is valid and the promotion is active, the response |
dropoff_cash_on_delivery | integer <int32> >= 0 The cash to collect when this order is dropped off, value in the lowest currency denomination (e.g. cents). i.e. $19.99 = 1999. [Pre-release field: Submit a ticket or reach out to your DoorDash contact if you would like to accept cash on delivery.] |
order_route_type | string (OrderRouteType) Value: "roundtrip" Type of route required for the delivery ("roundtrip" for deliveries that require the Dasher to return to the pickup location after dropoff). If this field is not specified, the default type is the standard point to point delivery. |
order_route_items | Array of strings (OrderRouteItems) Items Enum: "check" "cash" "pizza_bag" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "pickup_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_window": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "dropoff_window": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "customer_expected_sla": "2018-08-22",
- "expires_by": "2018-08-22",
- "shipping_label_metadata": {
- "internal_location_id": "DoordashLocID"
}, - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 409
- 422
- 500
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "currency": "USD",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "delivery_status": "quote",
- "cancellation_reason": "cancelled_by_creator",
- "updated_at": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "fee": 1900,
- "fee_components": [
- {
- "type": "distance_based_fee",
- "amount": 1900
], - "tax": 520,
- "tax_components": [
- {
- "type": "gst_hst",
- "amount": 520
], - "support_reference": "86313",
- "shipping_label": {
- "label_format": "zpl",
- "label_size": "4x6",
- "print_density": "203dpi",
}, - "dropped_items": [
- {
- "external_id": "1011902870",
- "type": "main_item",
- "reason": "item_not_found_in_catalog"
], - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "dasher_id": 1232142,
- "dasher_name": "John D.",
- "dasher_dropoff_phone_number": "+15555555555",
- "dasher_pickup_phone_number": "+14444444444",
- "dasher_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dasher_vehicle_make": "Toyota",
- "dasher_vehicle_model": "Corolla",
- "dasher_vehicle_year": "2006"
Accept Quote
When you’re happy with the quote you created, start the delivery process by accepting the quote. Learn how to use this API in the Create & Accept Quotes how-to guide.
path Parameters
external_delivery_id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Example: D-1763 Unique (per developer) ID of the delivery. |
Request Body schema: application/json
tip | integer <int32> (Tip) >= 0 The tip amount. Use cents or the equivalent lowest currency denomination (e.g. $5.99 = 599). |
dropoff_phone_number | string (Drop-off Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the delivery. Should include the country code. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "tip": 599,
- "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "currency": "USD",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "delivery_status": "quote",
- "cancellation_reason": "cancelled_by_creator",
- "updated_at": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "fee": 1900,
- "fee_components": [
- {
- "type": "distance_based_fee",
- "amount": 1900
], - "tax": 520,
- "tax_components": [
- {
- "type": "gst_hst",
- "amount": 520
], - "support_reference": "86313",
- "shipping_label": {
- "label_format": "zpl",
- "label_size": "4x6",
- "print_density": "203dpi",
}, - "dropped_items": [
- {
- "external_id": "1011902870",
- "type": "main_item",
- "reason": "item_not_found_in_catalog"
], - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "dasher_id": 1232142,
- "dasher_name": "John D.",
- "dasher_dropoff_phone_number": "+15555555555",
- "dasher_pickup_phone_number": "+14444444444",
- "dasher_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dasher_vehicle_make": "Toyota",
- "dasher_vehicle_model": "Corolla",
- "dasher_vehicle_year": "2006"
Create Delivery
Create a delivery. Learn how to use this API in one of our tutorials: call the API directly from any language or tool, create deliveries using our Node.js SDK, or use Postman to call the APIs.
Request Body schema: application/json
external_delivery_id required | string (ExternalDeliveryId) /[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Unique ID generated by the caller for the delivery. |
locale | string (Locale) The language DoorDash should use when sending updates about this delivery. Supported locales : |
order_fulfillment_method | string (OrderFulfillmentMethod) Enum: "standard" "catering" "shop_stage" "shop_deliver" "parcel" "large_order" "shop_handoff" Type of fulfillment required for Delivery ("shop_stage", "shop_deliver", "shop_handoff" for DSS/DSD/DSH delivery; "parcel" for parcel delivery. "catering" is deprecated.) |
origin_facility_id | string (OriginFacilityId) Merchant warehouse id for the midmile |
pickup_address | string (PickupAddress) Comma-separated full address, in the order appropriate for your locale. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. |
pickup_business_name | string (PickupAddressName) Optional name of the place, to help Dashers find the location. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. |
pickup_phone_number | string (Pickup Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the pick up. Should include the country code and must match the country of the store for which the delivery is created. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard. |
pickup_instructions | string (PickupInstructions) Instructions for the Dasher to follow when picking up the order. |
pickup_reference_tag | string (ReferenceTag) A reference that can help Dasher identify the correct delivery item for pick up/drop-off. |
pickup_external_business_id | string (ExternalBusinessId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your business. Used in combination with pickup_external_store_id to select the pick up location. If you provide an pickup_external_business_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_store_id. |
pickup_external_store_id | string (ExternalStoreId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your store. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_business_id. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, the address of the store will override the pickup_address in the request. |
object (PickupVerificationMetadata) Optional pickup verification metadata. Use this to enable order level pickup verification | |
dropoff_address required | string (DropoffAddress) Comma-separated full address, in the order appropriate for your locale. |
dropoff_business_name | string (DropoffAddressName) Optional name of the place, to help Dashers find the location. |
object (Location) [Pre-release field: submit a ticket in the Developer Portal or reach out to your DoorDash contact if you would like to provide precise location information.] The precise location, as latitude and longitude, of the drop-off. If your request includes both location and address, location will be used for Dasher navigation only; address will be used for fee and serviceability checks. | |
dropoff_phone_number required | string (Drop-off Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the delivery. Should include the country code. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard |
dropoff_instructions | string (DropoffInstructions) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ Instructions for the Dasher to follow when picking up the order. |
dropoff_contact_given_name | string (GivenName) [^~`@#\$%\^&\*\+=\?;\[{\]\}] Given/first name of the contact. |
dropoff_contact_family_name | string (FamilyName) [^~`@#\$%\^&\*\+=\?;\[{\]\}] Family/last name of the contact. |
dropoff_contact_send_notifications | boolean (SendNotifications) Whether the contact will receive notifications from DoorDash for this delivery. The default is true. |
object (DropoffOptions) Additional options for drop off | |
United States (object) or Canada (object) or Australia (object) or New Zealand (object) (DropoffAddressComponents) The Dropoff address broken down into independent components. | |
object (DropoffPinCodeVerificationMetadata) An object that specifies the dropoff pin code verification related details for this order. When "pin_code" is set in "dropoff_options.proof_of_delivery", the object must include relevant pin code data. Conversely, if "pin_code" is not set as "proof_of_delivery", the object should exclude any pin code data. Pin Code can be enabled only for orders that are non-contactless and not unattended deliveries. Please reach out to Doordash to enable this feature for your business. | |
object (ShoppingOptions) Details about how to shop and pay for the delivery for shop_deliver and shop_stage orders | |
order_value | integer <int32> (OrderValue) >= 0 The subtotal for all items in the order, excluding tax/tip, in the lowest currency denomination (e.g. cents). i.e. $19.99 = 1999. |
Array of objects (DeliveryItem) The items included in the order. | |
pickup_time | string (TimeDetails) Time details in ISO-8601 format. |
dropoff_time | string (TimeDetails) Time details in ISO-8601 format. |
object (TimeWindowDetails) The UTC date-time (in ISO-8601 format) overrides dropoff_time and pickup_time when all four parameters of the time window (pickup_window_start_time , pickup_window_end_time , dropoff_window_start_time , dropoff_window_end_time) are provided. | |
object (TimeWindowDetails) The UTC date-time (in ISO-8601 format) overrides dropoff_time and pickup_time when all four parameters of the time window (pickup_window_start_time , pickup_window_end_time , dropoff_window_start_time , dropoff_window_end_time) are provided. | |
Day (string) or TimeDetails (string) (CustomerExpectedSla) The expected delivery time or date shown to the customer. | |
Day (string) or TimeDetails (string) (ExpiresBy) The last time or date the order can be delivered before expiration | |
object (ShippingLabelMetadata) A JSON document that allows adding metadata about the shipping label such as sort_code, etc. Please reach out to Doordash to enable this feature for your business. | |
contactless_dropoff | boolean (Contactless) Whether the delivery should be contactless, which prompts a Dasher to take a picture of the delivery at drop-off. |
action_if_undeliverable | string (ActionIfUndeliverable) Enum: "return_to_pickup" "dispose" What the Dasher should do if the delivery is undeliverable. The default is "dispose". See Create return to pickup deliveries for more information. |
tip | integer <int32> (Tip) >= 0 The tip amount. Use cents or the equivalent lowest currency denomination (e.g. $5.99 = 599). |
object (OrderContains) An object that specifies the restricted item(s) contained in this order. | |
dasher_allowed_vehicles | Array of strings (DasherAllowedVehicles) Items Enum: "car" "bicycle" "walking" The vehicle type(s) that a Dasher can use to complete this delivery. The default is "car". |
dropoff_requires_signature | boolean (SignatureRequired) Whether the delivery requires signature verification during drop-off. |
promotion_id | string (PromotionId) The ID of the promotion that you want to apply to the delivery. If the promotion ID is valid and the promotion is active, the response |
dropoff_cash_on_delivery | integer <int32> >= 0 The cash to collect when this order is dropped off, value in the lowest currency denomination (e.g. cents). i.e. $19.99 = 1999. [Pre-release field: Submit a ticket or reach out to your DoorDash contact if you would like to accept cash on delivery.] |
order_route_type | string (OrderRouteType) Value: "roundtrip" Type of route required for the delivery ("roundtrip" for deliveries that require the Dasher to return to the pickup location after dropoff). If this field is not specified, the default type is the standard point to point delivery. |
order_route_items | Array of strings (OrderRouteItems) Items Enum: "check" "cash" "pizza_bag" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "pickup_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_window": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "dropoff_window": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "customer_expected_sla": "2018-08-22",
- "expires_by": "2018-08-22",
- "shipping_label_metadata": {
- "internal_location_id": "DoordashLocID"
}, - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 409
- 422
- 500
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "currency": "USD",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "delivery_status": "quote",
- "cancellation_reason": "cancelled_by_creator",
- "updated_at": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "fee": 1900,
- "fee_components": [
- {
- "type": "distance_based_fee",
- "amount": 1900
], - "tax": 520,
- "tax_components": [
- {
- "type": "gst_hst",
- "amount": 520
], - "support_reference": "86313",
- "shipping_label": {
- "label_format": "zpl",
- "label_size": "4x6",
- "print_density": "203dpi",
}, - "dropped_items": [
- {
- "external_id": "1011902870",
- "type": "main_item",
- "reason": "item_not_found_in_catalog"
], - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "dasher_id": 1232142,
- "dasher_name": "John D.",
- "dasher_dropoff_phone_number": "+15555555555",
- "dasher_pickup_phone_number": "+14444444444",
- "dasher_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dasher_vehicle_make": "Toyota",
- "dasher_vehicle_model": "Corolla",
- "dasher_vehicle_year": "2006"
Get Delivery
Get the status and details of a delivery that you created. If you want to proactively receive updates about your delivery, set up webhooks using the webhooks how-to guide.
path Parameters
external_delivery_id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Example: D-1763 Unique (per developer) ID of the delivery. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "currency": "USD",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "delivery_status": "quote",
- "cancellation_reason": "cancelled_by_creator",
- "updated_at": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "fee": 1900,
- "fee_components": [
- {
- "type": "distance_based_fee",
- "amount": 1900
], - "tax": 520,
- "tax_components": [
- {
- "type": "gst_hst",
- "amount": 520
], - "support_reference": "86313",
- "shipping_label": {
- "label_format": "zpl",
- "label_size": "4x6",
- "print_density": "203dpi",
}, - "dropped_items": [
- {
- "external_id": "1011902870",
- "type": "main_item",
- "reason": "item_not_found_in_catalog"
], - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "dasher_id": 1232142,
- "dasher_name": "John D.",
- "dasher_dropoff_phone_number": "+15555555555",
- "dasher_pickup_phone_number": "+14444444444",
- "dasher_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dasher_vehicle_make": "Toyota",
- "dasher_vehicle_model": "Corolla",
- "dasher_vehicle_year": "2006"
Update Delivery
Update the details of a delivery. Only the fields listed below can be updated; to update other fields, you need to cancel the delivery and then create a new one.
path Parameters
external_delivery_id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Example: D-1763 Unique (per developer) ID of the delivery. |
Request Body schema: application/json
pickup_address | string (PickupAddress) Comma-separated full address, in the order appropriate for your locale. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. |
pickup_business_name | string (PickupAddressName) Optional name of the place, to help Dashers find the location. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. |
pickup_phone_number | string (Pickup Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the pick up. Should include the country code and must match the country of the store for which the delivery is created. Overridden by store properties if pickup_external_store_id and pickup_external_business_id are used. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard. |
pickup_instructions | string (PickupInstructions) Instructions for the Dasher to follow when picking up the order. |
pickup_reference_tag | string (ReferenceTag) A reference that can help Dasher identify the correct delivery item for pick up/drop-off. |
pickup_external_business_id | string (ExternalBusinessId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your business. Used in combination with pickup_external_store_id to select the pick up location. If you provide an pickup_external_business_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_store_id. |
pickup_external_store_id | string (ExternalStoreId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your store. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_business_id. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, the address of the store will override the pickup_address in the request. |
object (PickupVerificationMetadata) Optional pickup verification metadata. Use this to enable order level pickup verification | |
dropoff_address | string (DropoffAddress) Comma-separated full address, in the order appropriate for your locale. |
dropoff_business_name | string (DropoffAddressName) Optional name of the place, to help Dashers find the location. |
object (Location) [Pre-release field: submit a ticket in the Developer Portal or reach out to your DoorDash contact if you would like to provide precise location information.] The precise location, as latitude and longitude, of the drop-off. If your request includes both location and address, location will be used for Dasher navigation only; address will be used for fee and serviceability checks. | |
dropoff_phone_number | string (Drop-off Phone number) The phone number for the Dasher to call if there are any issues with the delivery. Should include the country code. Must adhere to E.164 international phone number standard |
dropoff_instructions | string (DropoffInstructions) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ Instructions for the Dasher to follow when picking up the order. |
dropoff_contact_given_name | string (GivenName) [^~`@#\$%\^&\*\+=\?;\[{\]\}] Given/first name of the contact. |
dropoff_contact_family_name | string (FamilyName) [^~`@#\$%\^&\*\+=\?;\[{\]\}] Family/last name of the contact. |
dropoff_contact_send_notifications | boolean (SendNotifications) Whether the contact will receive notifications from DoorDash for this delivery. The default is true. |
object (DropoffOptions) Additional options for drop off | |
United States (object) or Canada (object) or Australia (object) or New Zealand (object) (DropoffAddressComponents) The Dropoff address broken down into independent components. | |
object (DropoffPinCodeVerificationMetadata) An object that specifies the dropoff pin code verification related details for this order. When "pin_code" is set in "dropoff_options.proof_of_delivery", the object must include relevant pin code data. Conversely, if "pin_code" is not set as "proof_of_delivery", the object should exclude any pin code data. Pin Code can be enabled only for orders that are non-contactless and not unattended deliveries. Please reach out to Doordash to enable this feature for your business. | |
contactless_dropoff | boolean (Contactless) Whether the delivery should be contactless, which prompts a Dasher to take a picture of the delivery at drop-off. |
action_if_undeliverable | string (ActionIfUndeliverable) Enum: "return_to_pickup" "dispose" What the Dasher should do if the delivery is undeliverable. The default is "dispose". See Create return to pickup deliveries for more information. |
tip | integer <int32> (Tip) >= 0 The tip amount. Use cents or the equivalent lowest currency denomination (e.g. $5.99 = 599). |
object (OrderContains) An object that specifies the restricted item(s) contained in this order. | |
dasher_allowed_vehicles | Array of strings (DasherAllowedVehicles) Items Enum: "car" "bicycle" "walking" The vehicle type(s) that a Dasher can use to complete this delivery. The default is "car". |
dropoff_requires_signature | boolean (SignatureRequired) Whether the delivery requires signature verification during drop-off. |
promotion_id | string (PromotionId) The ID of the promotion that you want to apply to the delivery. If the promotion ID is valid and the promotion is active, the response |
dropoff_cash_on_delivery | integer <int32> >= 0 The cash to collect when this order is dropped off, value in the lowest currency denomination (e.g. cents). i.e. $19.99 = 1999. [Pre-release field: Submit a ticket or reach out to your DoorDash contact if you would like to accept cash on delivery.] |
order_route_type | string (OrderRouteType) Value: "roundtrip" Type of route required for the delivery ("roundtrip" for deliveries that require the Dasher to return to the pickup location after dropoff). If this field is not specified, the default type is the standard point to point delivery. |
order_route_items | Array of strings (OrderRouteItems) Items Enum: "check" "cash" "pizza_bag" |
order_value | integer <int32> (OrderValue) >= 0 The subtotal for all items in the order, excluding tax/tip, in the lowest currency denomination (e.g. cents). i.e. $19.99 = 1999. |
Array of objects (DeliveryItem) The items included in the order. | |
pickup_time | string (TimeDetails) Time details in ISO-8601 format. |
dropoff_time | string (TimeDetails) Time details in ISO-8601 format. |
object (TimeWindowDetails) The UTC date-time (in ISO-8601 format) overrides dropoff_time and pickup_time when all four parameters of the time window (pickup_window_start_time , pickup_window_end_time , dropoff_window_start_time , dropoff_window_end_time) are provided. | |
object (TimeWindowDetails) The UTC date-time (in ISO-8601 format) overrides dropoff_time and pickup_time when all four parameters of the time window (pickup_window_start_time , pickup_window_end_time , dropoff_window_start_time , dropoff_window_end_time) are provided. | |
Day (string) or TimeDetails (string) (CustomerExpectedSla) The expected delivery time or date shown to the customer. | |
Day (string) or TimeDetails (string) (ExpiresBy) The last time or date the order can be delivered before expiration | |
object (ShippingLabelMetadata) A JSON document that allows adding metadata about the shipping label such as sort_code, etc. Please reach out to Doordash to enable this feature for your business. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "order_value": 1999,
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "pickup_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_window": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "dropoff_window": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "customer_expected_sla": "2018-08-22",
- "expires_by": "2018-08-22",
- "shipping_label_metadata": {
- "internal_location_id": "DoordashLocID"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
- 422
- 500
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "currency": "USD",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "delivery_status": "quote",
- "cancellation_reason": "cancelled_by_creator",
- "updated_at": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "fee": 1900,
- "fee_components": [
- {
- "type": "distance_based_fee",
- "amount": 1900
], - "tax": 520,
- "tax_components": [
- {
- "type": "gst_hst",
- "amount": 520
], - "support_reference": "86313",
- "shipping_label": {
- "label_format": "zpl",
- "label_size": "4x6",
- "print_density": "203dpi",
}, - "dropped_items": [
- {
- "external_id": "1011902870",
- "type": "main_item",
- "reason": "item_not_found_in_catalog"
], - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "dasher_id": 1232142,
- "dasher_name": "John D.",
- "dasher_dropoff_phone_number": "+15555555555",
- "dasher_pickup_phone_number": "+14444444444",
- "dasher_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dasher_vehicle_make": "Toyota",
- "dasher_vehicle_model": "Corolla",
- "dasher_vehicle_year": "2006"
Cancel Delivery
Cancel a delivery. Deliveries can't be cancelled after a Dasher is assigned.
path Parameters
external_delivery_id required | string/[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Example: D-1763 Unique (per developer) ID of the delivery. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 404
- 409
- 500
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "locale": "en-US, fr-CA, es-US",
- "order_fulfillment_method": "standard",
- "origin_facility_id": "MERCHANTA-CA-1",
- "pickup_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "pickup_business_name": "Wells Fargo SF Downtown",
- "pickup_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "pickup_instructions": "Go to the bar for pick up.",
- "pickup_reference_tag": "Order number 61",
- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_verification_metadata": {
- "verification_type": "SCAN_BARCODE",
- "verification_code": "12345",
- "verification_format": "CODE_39"
}, - "dropoff_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "dropoff_business_name": "The Avery Condominium",
- "dropoff_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dropoff_phone_number": "+16505555555",
- "dropoff_instructions": "Enter gate code 1234 on the callbox.",
- "dropoff_contact_given_name": "John",
- "dropoff_contact_family_name": "Doe",
- "dropoff_contact_send_notifications": true,
- "dropoff_options": {
- "signature": "required",
- "id_verification": "required",
- "proof_of_delivery": "photo_required",
- "catering_setup": "required"
}, - "dropoff_address_components": {
- "street_address": "901 Market Street",
- "sub_premise": "Apt. 121",
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "state": "CA",
- "zip_code": 94103,
- "country": "US"
}, - "dropoff_pin_code_verification_metadata": {
- "pin_code_type": "customer_phone_number",
- "pin_code_value": "1234"
}, - "order_value": 1999,
- "currency": "USD",
- "items": [
- {
- "name": "Mega Bean and Cheese Burrito",
- "description": "Mega Burrito contains the biggest beans of the land with extra cheese.",
- "quantity": 2,
- "external_id": "123-123443434b",
- "external_instance_id": 12,
- "volume": 5.3,
- "weight": 2.8,
- "length": 2.8,
- "width": 2.8,
- "height": 2.8,
- "price": 1000,
- "barcode": 12342830041,
- "special_instructions": "Only Ripen Bananas",
- "item_options": {
- "substitute_item_ids": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "merchant_recommended_substitute_item_ids": [
- "543443434",
- "543443435"
], - "substitute_item_ids_additional_metadata": [
- {
- "id": "123443434",
- "quantity": 1,
- "weight": 2.5,
- "weight_unit": "lbs"
}, - {
- "id": "123443435",
- "quantity": 2
], - "weight_unit": "oz",
- "substitution_preference": "refund"
}, - "adjustment_details": {
- "addition_source": "dasher"
], - "shopping_options": {
- "payment_method": "red_card",
- "payment_barcode": "12345",
- "payment_gift_cards": [
- "123443434",
- "123443435"
], - "ready_for_pickup_by": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
}, - "delivery_status": "quote",
- "cancellation_reason": "cancelled_by_creator",
- "updated_at": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "pickup_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "dropoff_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_estimated": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_time_actual": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "return_address": "901 Market Street 6th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103",
- "fee": 1900,
- "fee_components": [
- {
- "type": "distance_based_fee",
- "amount": 1900
], - "tax": 520,
- "tax_components": [
- {
- "type": "gst_hst",
- "amount": 520
], - "support_reference": "86313",
- "shipping_label": {
- "label_format": "zpl",
- "label_size": "4x6",
- "print_density": "203dpi",
}, - "dropped_items": [
- {
- "external_id": "1011902870",
- "type": "main_item",
- "reason": "item_not_found_in_catalog"
], - "contactless_dropoff": false,
- "action_if_undeliverable": "return_to_pickup",
- "tip": 599,
- "order_contains": {
- "alcohol": false,
- "pharmacy_items": false,
- "age_restricted_pharmacy_items": false,
- "tobacco": false,
- "hemp": false,
- "otc": false
}, - "dasher_allowed_vehicles": [
- "car",
- "bicycle",
- "walking"
], - "dropoff_requires_signature": false,
- "promotion_id": "ee680b87-0016-496e-ac3c-d3f33ab54c1c",
- "dropoff_cash_on_delivery": 1999,
- "order_route_type": "roundtrip",
- "order_route_items": [
- "check"
], - "dasher_id": 1232142,
- "dasher_name": "John D.",
- "dasher_dropoff_phone_number": "+15555555555",
- "dasher_pickup_phone_number": "+14444444444",
- "dasher_location": {
- "lat": 123.1312343,
- "lng": -37.2144343
}, - "dasher_vehicle_make": "Toyota",
- "dasher_vehicle_model": "Corolla",
- "dasher_vehicle_year": "2006"
Get Items Substitution Recommendation
For Dasher Shop orders, get a list of recommended substitutions for a given list of items
Request Body schema: application/json
pickup_external_business_id required | string (ExternalBusinessId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your business. Used in combination with pickup_external_store_id to select the pick up location. If you provide an pickup_external_business_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_store_id. |
pickup_external_store_id required | string (ExternalStoreId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ The string identifier used to create your store. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, you must also provide an pickup_external_business_id. If you provide an pickup_external_store_id, the address of the store will override the pickup_address in the request. |
required | Array of objects (DeliveryItemForSubsRecommendationRequest) The items used to request substitution recommendations. |
object optional customer information to be used for substitution recommendation |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pickup_external_business_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "pickup_external_store_id": "ase-243-dzs",
- "items": [
- {
- "external_id": 123443434
], - "customer": {
- "dropoff_contact_loyalty_number": "1234-5678-9876-5432-1"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 500
{- "items": [
- {
- "external_id": 123443434,
- "name": "Regular Banana",
- "substitutions": [
- {
- "external_id": 123443435,
- "name": "Organic Banana"
Create Checkout Audit Signal
Create a new audit signal for virtual checkout for a specified delivery
Request Body schema: application/json
external_delivery_id required | string (ExternalDeliveryId) /[a-zA-Z0-9-._~]+/ Unique ID generated by the caller for the delivery. |
is_audit_successful | boolean (IsAuditSuccessful) Whether the audit for the specified delivery passed or failed. |
object (AuditPeriod) An object that specifies the audit period start and end time, if audit is completed on the Merchants side. | |
requested_audit_item_count | integer <int32> (RequestedAuditItemCount) The count of the items requested for audit |
audited_item_count | integer <int32> (AuditedItemCount) The count of the items that is audited by the Merchant |
Array of objects (DriveSuccessfulAuditedItem) The items that successfuly passed the audit process. | |
Array of objects (DriveFailedAuditedItem) The items that failed the audit process. | |
checkout_audit_status | string (CheckoutAuditStatus) Enum: "passed" "failed" "skipped" An enum that specifies the overal audit status of the order. Must be sent for failed_audit_items and not successful_audit_items." |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "external_delivery_id": "D-1763",
- "is_audit_successful": "false",
- "audit_period": {
- "start_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z",
- "end_time": "2018-08-22T17:20:28Z"
}, - "requested_audit_item_count": 2,
- "audited_item_count": 2,
- "successful_audit_items": [
- {
- "external_item_id": "item-id-1",
- "upc_scanned": "1234575757"
], - "failed_audit_items": [
- {
- "external_item_id": "item-id-1",
- "upc_scanned": "1234575757",
- "failed_reason": "scan_mismatch"
], - "checkout_audit_status": "passed"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
- 500
{- "signal_received": "false"
Get Business
Get the details of a business.
path Parameters
external_business_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. Validated using the following regular expression: |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli",
- "description": "A neighborhood deli serving many tasty sandwiches and soups.",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "activation_status": "active",
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "is_test": false,
- "external_metadata": {
- "number_of_stores": "10",
- "client_phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "external_store_ids": [
- null
Update Business
Update the attributes of a business.
path Parameters
external_business_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. Validated using the following regular expression: |
Request Body schema: application/json
name | string (Business Name) Any non empty string Human readable name for the business. Used when the details of a business are shown to a customer, Dasher, merchant, or support agent. |
description | string (BusinessDescription) Any non empty string Short description of the business. Used in the DoorDash Merchant Portal. Maximum length of description is 100 characters |
activation_status | string (BusinessActivationStatus) Enum: "initiated" "pending_external_activation" "pending_legal_agreement" "abandoned" "failed" "active" "inactive" Activation status of the business. Used primarily for the automatic self-serve onboarding flow. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli",
- "description": "A neighborhood deli serving many tasty sandwiches and soups.",
- "activation_status": "active"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli",
- "description": "A neighborhood deli serving many tasty sandwiches and soups.",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "activation_status": "active",
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "is_test": false,
- "external_metadata": {
- "number_of_stores": "10",
- "client_phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "external_store_ids": [
- null
Create Business
Create a Drive business. You cannot create a business with string "default" as external_business_id. "default" is reserved for automatically created business during developer onboarding.
Request Body schema: application/json
external_business_id required | string (BizExternalBusinessId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. |
name required | string (Business Name) Any non empty string Human readable name for the business. Used when the details of a business are shown to a customer, Dasher, merchant, or support agent. |
description | string (BusinessDescription) Any non empty string Short description of the business. Used in the DoorDash Merchant Portal. Maximum length of description is 100 characters |
activation_status | string (BusinessActivationStatus) Enum: "initiated" "pending_external_activation" "pending_legal_agreement" "abandoned" "failed" "active" "inactive" Activation status of the business. Used primarily for the automatic self-serve onboarding flow. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "name": "Neighborhood Deli",
- "description": "A neighborhood deli serving many tasty sandwiches and soups.",
- "activation_status": "active"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 500
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli",
- "description": "A neighborhood deli serving many tasty sandwiches and soups.",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "activation_status": "active",
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "is_test": false,
- "external_metadata": {
- "number_of_stores": "10",
- "client_phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "external_store_ids": [
- null
List Businesses
List the businesses owned by a developer.
query Parameters
activationStatus | string (BusinessActivationStatus) Enum: "initiated" "pending_external_activation" "pending_legal_agreement" "abandoned" "failed" "active" "inactive" Example: activationStatus=active Activation status of the business. Used primarily for the automatic self-serve onboarding flow. |
continuationToken | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 500
{- "result": [
- {
- "name": "Neighborhood Deli",
- "description": "A neighborhood deli serving many tasty sandwiches and soups.",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "activation_status": "active",
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "is_test": false,
- "external_metadata": {
- "number_of_stores": "10",
- "client_phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "external_store_ids": [
- null
], - "continuation_token": "string",
- "result_count": 0
Get Store
Get the details of a store.
path Parameters
external_business_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. Validated using the following regular expression: |
external_store_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID for the store. Validated using the following regular expression: |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli #10",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "external_store_id": "ed178ef3-b486-4ce8-8baa-5bc9f0f3fa4a",
- "phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "address": "901 Market Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94103",
- "status": "active",
- "is_test": false,
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z"
Update Store
Update the attributes of a store.
path Parameters
external_business_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. Validated using the following regular expression: |
external_store_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID for the store. Validated using the following regular expression: |
Request Body schema: application/json
name | string (Store Name) Any non empty string The name of the store. |
phone_number | string (StorePhoneNumber) Any non empty string, validated by country Phone number of the store. Used when a customer, Dasher, or support agent needs to contact the store. |
address | string (StoreAddress) Any non empty string The full address of the store, in the order appropriate for your locale, with each element separated by a comma. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli #10",
- "phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "address": "901 Market Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94103"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli #10",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "external_store_id": "ed178ef3-b486-4ce8-8baa-5bc9f0f3fa4a",
- "phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "address": "901 Market Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94103",
- "status": "active",
- "is_test": false,
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z"
Create Store
Create a Drive store. To create a store for your developer's default business please create stores under "default" external_business_id. We recommend this route if you are either an enterprise or a developer who plan to manage only one business.
path Parameters
external_business_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. Validated using the following regular expression: |
Request Body schema: application/json
external_store_id required | string (StoreExternalStoreId) /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{3,64}$/ A unique ID for the store, selected or generated by the API caller. |
name required | string (Store Name) Any non empty string The name of the store. |
phone_number | string (StorePhoneNumber) Any non empty string, validated by country Phone number of the store. Used when a customer, Dasher, or support agent needs to contact the store. |
address required | string (StoreAddress) Any non empty string The full address of the store, in the order appropriate for your locale, with each element separated by a comma. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "external_store_id": "ed178ef3-b486-4ce8-8baa-5bc9f0f3fa4a",
- "name": "Neighborhood Deli #10",
- "phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "address": "901 Market Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94103"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 424
- 500
{- "name": "Neighborhood Deli #10",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "external_store_id": "ed178ef3-b486-4ce8-8baa-5bc9f0f3fa4a",
- "phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "address": "901 Market Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94103",
- "status": "active",
- "is_test": false,
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z"
List Stores
List the stores under a business.
path Parameters
external_business_id required | string Unique, caller-selected ID of the business. Validated using the following regular expression: |
query Parameters
activationStatus | string (StoreActivationStatus) Enum: "active" "inactive" Activation status of the store. |
continuationToken | string |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
{- "result": [
- {
- "name": "Neighborhood Deli #10",
- "external_business_id": "a0720d55-7cbe-41ce-8185-58285b7985cd",
- "external_store_id": "ed178ef3-b486-4ce8-8baa-5bc9f0f3fa4a",
- "phone_number": "+12065551212",
- "address": "901 Market Street, 6th Floor, San Francisco, CA, 94103",
- "status": "active",
- "is_test": false,
- "created_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z",
- "last_updated_at": "2022-04-25T17:21:43Z"
], - "continuation_token": "string",
- "result_count": 0