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Create a JWT

*If you are a partner using Marketplace (legacy) please disregard JWT. JWT is only for existing partners using the Marketplace API. You can tell which API you're using by checking the URL. If your API URL is, you're using the Marketplace (legacy) API.

Limited access

Marketplace APIs are not yet generally available. Please record interest in early access here.

JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are a token format for authentication used to communicate with DoorDash APIs. They allows two parties to communicate securely by signing the information. JWTs allow users to establish trust with the service without ever having to send a secret over the wire and creation of JWTs has language support in all common programming languages

API: Marketplace

This page covers the Marketplace API. If you're an existing customer using the Marketplace (legacy) API, a JWT Token is not necessary.

Using a JWT to authenticate with the API

In order to authenticate with the API, provide the JWT as a Bearer token in the Authentication header, as well as the auth-version

Authorization: Bearer [JWT] 
auth-version: v2
User-Agent: [camelcase] provider_type/1.0

Anatomy of a JWT​

JWTs consist of three parts separated by periods which are:

  • Header
  • Payload
  • Signature

The results is a token that looks like aaa.bbb.ccc

The header specifies the algorithm used to sign the token - HMAC SHA 265 (HS265) and the DoorDash JWT version (v1)

"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT",
"dd-ver": "DD-JWT-V1"

The header is Base64url encoded and makes the first part of the JWT.


The content of the token as a json object. This content can be trusted by the recipient.

Payload format

"aud": "doordash",
"kid": KEY ID,
"iat": ISSUED AT,

aud - Audience. Always set to "doordash".

iss - Issuer. Set to the Developer ID (UUID format).

kid - Key ID. Set to the Key ID (UUID format) that was used to sign the JWT.

iat - Issued At. When the token was created. Formatted as seconds from the epoch. iat cannot be in the future.

exp - Expiration. When the token expires. Formatted as seconds from the epoch. exp has a maximum value of 30 minutes (1800 seconds) beyond the issued at time.


"aud": "doordash",
"iss": "582e4f20-0f48-4bc2-99c2-e094675e2919",
"kid": "585698aa-2aa6-4bb4-8b3f-dd9d3f47dc28",
"iat": 1636463841,
"exp": 1636465641

The payload is Base64url encoded and makes the second part of the JWT.


The signature is used to verify the content's authenticity. Only someone with the signing secret is able to produce the correct signature. The signature is computed through the HMAC SHA256 (HS256) algorithm.

The signature is Base64url encoded and makes the third part of the JWT.

Protecting your secret​

Treat you signing secret like a password. Put your secret into a secure store or vault to protect it from theft and misuse.

Creating a JWT​


Before getting started, ensure you have created and saved an access key from the Developer Portal.

To continue, you will need: developer_id, key_id and signing_secret

Install a JWT library​

Most programming languages provide support for creating JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) either directly in the language or as a package. Select your language and then follow the instructions to install the package, if needed.

Open a terminal and navigate to your project directory, then run:

npm install jsonwebtoken

Generate a JWT​

JWTs are created using an access key. Use these code snippets to generate a correctly-formatted JWT from your access key.

Copy the code snippet below into your project file. Replace PASTE_YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_HERE with your access key.

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken')


const data = {
aud: 'doordash',
iss: accessKey.developer_id,
kid: accessKey.key_id,
exp: Math.floor( / 1000 + 300),
iat: Math.floor( / 1000),

const headers = { algorithm: 'HS256', header: { 'dd-ver': 'DD-JWT-V1' } }

const token = jwt.sign(
Buffer.from(accessKey.signing_secret, 'base64'),


Then, test your code. In your terminal, run:

node app.js

If you were successful, you should see output like this:

A screenshot of a terminal showing a successful run of the program