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Available Reports

Requested Reporting files are generated as Comma Separated (.csv) text files. To determine which report group your business belongs to review the table below

Report GroupsReport Users
Marketplace (Merchant Pick) ReportsRestaurants, Merchants with Merchant Pick Shopping Protocol (e.g., some convenience, hot + prepared merchants, alcohol merchants, etc.)
Marketplace (Dasher Shop) ReportsMerchants with Dasher Shop Shopping Protocol (e.g., grocery, retail, some convenience merchants, etc.)

Below is a list and brief description of the available report types.

Marketplace - Merchant Pick Reports​

ReportReport_Type ValueDescription
Merchant Avoidable WaitAVOIDABLE_WAITThis report outputs a list of orders that have merchant avoidable wait
Canceled OrdersCANCELLED_ORDERSThis report outputs a list of all canceled orders regardless of reason
Consumer FeedbackCONSUMER_FEEDBACKThis report outputs all customer feedback that has been received (item level reviews, store level reviews, etc.)
Menu Item ErrorMENU_ITEM_ERRORThis report outputs a list of orders that had either a missing or incorrect item along with the specific item that was flagged
Menu Open HoursMENU_OPEN_HOURSThis report outputs the menu hours for all stores
Menu Special HoursMENU_SPECIAL_HOURSThis report outputs all the upcoming special hours that have been set for all stores
Order DetailsORDER_DETAILThis report includes all orders along with the items and modifiers associated with the order as well as the order subtotal and whether a Dashpass was used on the order. If applicable a merchant order number (Merchant POS Order ID) is supplied as well
Payout SummaryPAYOUT_SUMMARYThis report outputs a summary all payouts that have been completed within the requested report time frame
Store Temporary DeactivationsTEMPORARY_DEACTIVATIONThis report outputs a list of all stores that are currently temporary deactivated
Store InformationSTORE_INFORMATIONThis report outputs a list of stores and their associated integration and merchant supplied tied to your reporting API account
Transaction DetailsTRANSACTION_DETAILThis report outputs payout and transaction data on an order by order basis

Marketplace - Dasher Shop Reports​

ReportReport TypeDescription
Payout SummaryNV_PAYMENTSThis report outputs a order-level details for all payouts that have been completed within the requested report time frame
Transaction DetailsNV_TRANSACTIONSThis report outputs transaction details which can be used for financial reconciliation of RedCard transactions.
Order ItemNV_ORDER_ITEMSThis report outputs item level details of orders, including picked, not found, and substituted items.
Operations and Consumer FeedbackNV_OPERATIONS_CONSUMER_FEEDBACKThis report outputs operational metrics such as shop time, missing & incorrect, SNAP data, etc. as well as all customer feedback that has been received (item level reviews, store level reviews, etc.)