Create a Temporary JWT
This doc covers how to generate a JWT Bearer Token for the Reporting API.
The credentials tab in the the DoorDash Developer portal helps you to connect to the API quickly and securely.
Creating an access key​
First, provide a name and an environment. The name is used to be able to easily identify the use case of this access key.
Production: You will receive live production data when you use a production key.
Note: For your security, the signing secret will not be available after you close the modal dialog. Be sure to copy you access key and put it in a secure location.
Generate a temporary JWT​
To get started with the API right away, you can generate a JWT.
Note: the maximum lifetime for a JWT is 30 minutes. You can regenerate a new JWT to extend the expiration.
Keeping your credentials safe​
Treat you access key and JWTs like a password. Put your credentials into a secure store or vault to protect it from theft and misuse.