Integration Milestones & Timelines
Limited access
Marketplace APIs are not yet generally available. Please record interest in early access here.
Week 1-2: Begin Developing to Menus API
- Successfully Create a Menu via POST and store menu UUID. Verify it is created at your DoorDash Test Store.
- Successfully Update a Menu via PATCH using cached menu UUID
- Ensure Menu Status Updates are registering via Webhook Notification
- Successfully Create a Menu via Menu Pull and store menu UUID
Week 3-4: Begin Developing to Orders API
- Submit Orders using your DoorDash Test Store and verify Order received at Endpoint
- Respond to incoming Orders via Webhook Notification for both success and failure scenarios
- Ensure that failure reasons are being provided with Order Failures
- Validate prep times are being used as expected
Week 5: Begin Developing additional features
- Ensure stores are prepared for Stockouts, Store Availability, and Cancellation endpoints
Week 6: Replicate with Production Environment
Week 6-8: Begin developing Onboarding Requirements. More details here. Ensure the correct product is built based on your integration type and the respective certification requirements are met
Week 8-9: Pilot 20 stores
Week 10: Certification