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About DoorDash Marketplace

Limited access

Marketplace APIs are not yet generally available. Please record interest in early access here.

The DoorDash Marketplace API enables partners to manage their menu, store, and order data. You can use the Menu API to create and update the menus you wish to display to consumers on DoorDash. With the Order Webhook, you can receive live order data from DoorDash directly to your system. And through our Store webhook, you're able to control store level data such as store availability and item availability.

DoorDash Merchant API is an asynchronous API organized around REST. JSON is returned by all API responses and we use conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. All requests must be made using HTTPS or they will fail.

How to integrate​

Please fill in the Marketplace integration interest form if you would like to start your integration with DoorDash. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a partner!