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Menu Configuration Reference

DoorDash menus have a hierarchical structure that is comprised of the following levels:

  • Menu
  • Categories
  • Items
  • Extras
  • Options

Link to Menu Model


  • (required) - internal name of the menu, not shown externally

  • menu.subtitle - external name of the menu

    • This is only shown if multiple active menus exists for the store, otherwise external name is shown as "Full Menu"
  • - controls whether the menu is active or not, if false the menu will be unavailable on Marketplace

    • If no active menus exist for the store, Consumers will be unable to navigate to it without being redirected to the DD home page.



Store Open Hours

  • store_open_hours.start_time - local start time for when orders can successfully be placed
  • store_open_hours.end_time - local end time for when orders can successfully be placed
  • store_open_hours.day_index - day of week for specified hours


Considerations when setting hours:

  • DoorDash deducts 20 minutes from store_open_hours.end_time to determine the true ordering hours for our Marketplace.

    • This is done to give our Dashers ample time to pick up the order before the restaurant closes.
  • To display hours as ‘All Day’ on Marketplace, set hours to the following:

"start_time": "00:00:00"
"end_time": "23:59:59"
  • If store_open_hours.end_time is less than store_open_hours.start_time, this is interpreted as hours that extend into the next day.
    • As an example, the below would translate to the store being open from 8:00am to 1:40am:
"start_time": "08:00:00"
"end_time": "02:00:00"
  • Hours for a single menu cannot have separate specified hour periods that overlap.
    • As an example, these hours below would be considered invalid:
"day_index": "FRI",
"start_time": "08:00:00",
"end_time": "02:00:00"
"day_index": "SAT",
"start_time": "01:00:00",
"end_time": "22:00:00"

Hours FAQs

Store Special Hours

Store Special Hours can be used to specify operating hours for a distinct date that differ from your typical hours. You may use special hours to either close, shorten, of extend operating hours.

  • store_special_hours.start_time - local start time for when orders can successfully be placed
  • store_special_hours.end_time - local end time for when orders can successfully be placed
  • - discrete date of when special hours will be enforced
  • store_special_hours.closed - boolean indicating whether store is closed or not on this date

Because Store Special Hours are date specific, if you wish you specify interday special hours, separate dates must be used:

"date": "2022-11-24",
"closed": false,
"start_time": "12:00:00",
"end_time": "23:59:59"
"date": "2022-11-25",
"closed": false,
"start_time": "00:00:00",
"end_time": "00:30:00"

Category Level

  • (required)
  • category.subtitle
  • category.sort_id - dictates category sort order, DoorDash sorts categories based in ascending order by referencing this field (i.e. sort_id does not have to be 0 in order for category to be sorted to the top)
  • - if false, the entire category will be hidden from the menu
    • If a category has no active items within it, it will also be hidden from the menu

DoorDash auto-adds a "Popular Items" category that is generated based on the top 10 most popular items for the store.


Item Level

  • (required)
  • item.description
  • item.price (required) - delivery price measured in cents, not shown at the menu level if the item.price: 0
  • item.base_price - pick up measured in cents, not shown at the menu level if the item.base_price: 0
  • item.sort_id - since June 2022, this is no longer being used by Cx eng to determine item sort order within categories. All items are now sorted within categories based on item popularity
  • - if false, the item will be hidden from the menu
    • This is different from item.is_suspended, which is set via item activation/deactivation webhooks rather than menu updates.
    • both true and item.is_suspended: false for an item to show on the menu


Item Images

Full How-To Guide

  • item.original_image_url - Item image URL in JPG | JPEG | PNG format, min resolution 1400w x 800h, aspect ratio 16:9 and max size 2MB.
    • Image must be accessible for download by DD from the specified URL.
    • Once received, images must be first approved by Photo-Service before the photos are shown on the menu.
    • Images are currently auto-cropped to meet the expected dimensions. To avoid mis-cropping, please have the Mx provide images that meet the expected aspect ratio.


Dietary Information

Full How-To Guide

  • item.dish_info.classification_info.classification_tag - dietary tag, current supported tags are:
  • item.dish_info.nutritional_info.calorific_info.lower_range
  • item.dish_info.nutritional_info.calorific_info.upper_range


Item Special Hours

Full How-To Guide

Item Special Hours can be used to limit item availability to certain periods within the specified menu hours. If not specified, then the item will always be shown and ordering hours will be enforced at the menu level. If specified then the item will only be visible on the menu during specified hours and Customers will receive a message at checkout if they try to place scheduled orders for these items outside of their available time.

  • item.item_special_hours.start_time
  • item.item_special_hours.end_time
  • item.item_special_hours.day_index
  • item.item_special_hours.start_date - start date when item will be shown on the menu as an available selection
  • item.item_special_hours.end_date - end date when item will be shown on the menu as an available selection

Extra Level

Think of extras as the equivalent of categories, but instead of containing items, they contain item modifiers ("options").

  • (required)
  • extra.sort_id - dictates extra sort order. As of June 2023, DD now sorts required modifiers to the top of the item page. If there are multiple required modifiers, they will be sorted using their extra.sort_id
  • extra.num_free_options - number of distinct options that the Consumer can add to the item for free.
    • If multiple different options are chosen, the cheapest of the selected options will be designated as free.
    • Example: if Pepperoni costs $1.00 in the example below and Onions costs $0.50 and the consumer added 3x Onions and 1x Pepperoni, they would only be charged for the Pepperoni because Pepperoni’s unit price is higher.
"extras":  [
"name": "Toppings",
"active": true,
"sort_id": 0,
"merchant_supplied_id": "d507a17d-2abd-489e-90f4-fd8f60eafb20/l",
"options": [
"name": "Pepperoni",
"active": true,
"price": 100,
"merchant_supplied_id": "9e8b02b5-4f1d-4690-b1fc-83a901b82deb",
"sort_id": 0,
"default": true,
"extras": []
"name": "Onions",
"active": true,
"price": 50,
"merchant_supplied_id": "8970747d-cc30-410a-8807-a0ac59967893",
"sort_id": 1,
"default": false,
"extras": []


Quantity Enforcers

The representation of the menu on our Marketplace can vary significantly based on how these attributes are set, so multiple scenarios will be presented to provide clarity.


  • extra.min_num_options
  • extra.max_num_options

Controls the number of distinct options within the extra that must/can be added to the item. This input also controls the subtext that is displayed under the extra name (e.g “Select at least 1”).


  • extra.min_option_choice_quantity
  • extra.max_option_choice_quantity

Controls the quantity of an individual option within the extra that must/can be added to the item.


  • extra.min_aggregate_options_quantity
  • extra.max_aggregate_options_quantity

Controls the total quantity of options within the extra that must/can be added to the item


If none of the above inputs (num_options, option_choice_quantity, aggregate_options_quantity) are specified, the default selection method is checkboxes with no required selections and no max option limit.


If extra.min_num_options and extra.max_num_options are provided, then these will be used to enforce the required and max amount of options that must be selected


Radio Buttons

If extra.min_num_options and extra.max_num_options are both set to 1, then the selection method for the extra will be radio buttons rather than checkboxes. configured_radio_buttons_breakdown

Quantity Selectors

To offer quantity selectors as the selection method, extra.min_aggregate_options_quantity and extra.max_aggregate_options_quantity must be specified.

To limit the quantity of a single option that can be added within the extra, extra.min_option_choice_quantity and extra.max_option_choice_quantity can be used, however this validation will only be enforced once the consumer clicks ‘Add to cart’. configured_qty_selectors_breakdown

Quantity Selector Callouts:

  • Additional nesting is not supported with quantity selectors.
    • Example: you would not be able to have an additional extra within ‘Pepperoni’ that would allow the customer to choose ‘Spicy Pepperoni’ or ‘Mild Pepperoni’ as you could with checkboxes or radio buttons.
  • Price is not shown for options quantity with selectors, however price updates are still made visible via the ‘Add to cart’ button.

Quantity Enforcer Matrix

CheckboxesRadio ButtonsQuantity Selectors
min_num_optionsEnforced if specifiedMust = 1Enforced if specified
max_num_optionsEnforced if specifiedMust = 1Enforced if specified
min_option_choice_quantityNot requiredNot requiredEnforced if specified
max_option_choice_quantityNot requiredNot requiredEnforced if specified
min_aggregate_options_quantityMust be omittedMust be omittedRequired
max_aggregate_options_quantityMust be omittedMust be omittedRequired

Defective Scenarios

In certain cases, quantity enforcers can be configured in a way that makes the item impossible to order.

In the below example, "min_num_options": 4, but only 3 options are available

To provide a better experience for consumers, DoorDash will proactively flag these scenarios and take the following actions.

min_num_options > num of active optionsItem deactivated, will be reactivated once valid configuration is sent
min_aggregate_options_quantity > num of active optionsItem deactivated, will be reactivated once valid configuration is sent
min_num_options > max_num_optionsItem deactivated, will be reactivated once valid configuration is sent
min_aggregate_options_quantity > max_aggregate_options_quantityItem deactivated, will be reactivated once valid configuration is sent
All items within menu update have item.”active”:falseMenu deactivated, will be reactivated once an update is sent with active items

Option Level

  • (required)

  • option.price (required)

  • option.base_price (required)


  • option.default - controls whether the option is pre-selected or not

    • For options that have quantity selectors, if option.default:true, then the pre-selected quantity will be 1.
  • option.dish_info.calorific_info.lower_range




Full How-To Guide

Recipes logic can be used in cases where you wish to specify option.default_quantity > 1 for options. Additionally recipes can be used to specify a charge_above quantity for an option so that customers are only charged for the option once the charge_above quantity is exceeded.

  • option.operation.context - used to specify whether the option is part of the recipe or not.

    • Must contain “RECIPE” in order for default_quantity and charge_above to work as expected.
  • option.quantity_info.default_quantity

  • option.quantity_info.charge_above


Try it Yourself!

Once approved for onboarding, you can use the Postman collection (linked below) to create and update a menu for your test store:

Run in Postman


  1. Fork Collection into your own Workspace
  2. Set Collection variables
  3. Use example requests included in collection to create/update menus for your test stores