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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often our reports are updated?

All reports are refreshed once daily at 7PM PST for the previous day ending at 11:59PM PST

What are the current Rate Limits on both endpoints?

40 Queries Per Second

How far back can I get reporting data for a specific store?

The current limit for reporting data is 2 years

How long does the Report ID last for?

The report ID will be valid for 1 week

Why am I getting a 403 response when I’m requesting for reports?

The token that you are using has not been granted access to a specific Store or Business ID within the request.

Does data ever get mutated?

Yes, certain reports are expected to mutate between different days. For example, the transaction details report has a column for payout_id and payout_date. Those columns are not updated until the payout has been completed on DoorDash’s end. To account for this ensure that you have a daily job to refresh the data that you have previously pulled.

What if I would like to access reports that are not listed above?

Our teams will be adding other report types (e.g., Marketing, Drive, Storefront) in future releases.

What is the difference between Marketplace Merchant Pick and Dasher Shop Reports?

Merchant Pick vs Dasher Shop are different order fulfillment models based on in-store operations:

  • Merchant Pick: Where the Merchant is preparing the items and then the cost of the goods are covered by Direct Deposit (standard for restaurants)
  • Dasher Shop: When the Dasher is in charge of selecting the items checking out, and delivering them to the customer (overview here).