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Marketplace Dasher Pick Reports

Payout Summary

Report Type - NV_PAYMENTS


This report outputs a order-level details for all payouts that have been completed within the requested report time frame

Example Report

Column NameData TypeDefinitionExample
transaction_date_utcstringDate in UTC timezone when charge has been sent in MM/DD/YYYY format02/28/2021
transaction_date_localstringDate in Mx store timezone when charge has been sent in MM/DD/YYYY format02/29/2021
transaction_timestamp_utctimestampTimepoint in UTC timezone when charge has been sent in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS02/28/2021
transaction_timestamp_localtimestampTimepoint in Mx store timezone when charge has been sent in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS02/28/2021
timezonestringMx Store timezoneUS/Pacific
merchant_store_idintegerThe merchant's store identifier301
store_namestringStore nameThe Market
business_namestringBusiness nameMarket USA
delivery_uuidstringUUID of Doordash deliveryUUID-string
client_order_idintegerclient_id of order in POS database5486816
external_idstring(when relevant) Merchant (external) POS ID external_id of order in POS databaseUUID-string
shopping_protocolstringShopping protocol as per MDS store tableshopperdasher merchant
dashpassintegerIs this order with dash pass or not1|0
is_consumer_pickupintegerIs this order pickup or not (is_consumer_pickup)1|0
order_received_time_localtimestampTimepoint with timezone of actual order place in Mx store timezone in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS03/11/2021
order_statusstringOrder Statusdelivered
transaction_typeENUMType of transactionDELIVERY|ADJUSTMENT
currencystringCart currency as per ISO 4217USD
order_subtotal_dollar0.00FSubtotal in cart20.29
order_tax_amount_dollar0.00FTotal tax paid by consumer3.19
commission_rate0.00FCommission rate0.05
order_commission_dollar0.00FDoorDash commission2.23
commission_tax_dollar0.00Fcommission tax0.01
order_marketing_fee_dollar0.00FMarketing commission0
dashpass_marketing_fee_dollar0.00FDashPass flat fee2
tax_remitted_by_dd_dollar0.00FStates where DoorDash is the merchant of record, DoorDash remits tax directly to the government (does not pass it to the Mx)0.19
order_merchant_tip_amount_dollar0.00FMerchant tip amount for pickup orders (merchant_tip_amount)3.71
store_charge_dollar0.00FAmount charged to the merchant-2.19
store_refund_dollar0.00FAmount refunded to the merchant1.1
payout_amount_dollar0.00FAmount paid out during the transfer25.19
transaction_notesstringDescription regarding error charges and adjustmentsIssue: 1 Advil Ibuprofen Coated Tablets 100 mg (24 ct) missing
payout_transfer_idintegerDoordash Internal Id of bank transfer128950624
payout_timestamptimestampTimepoint with timezone when charge has been sent in ISO 8601 format with timezone03/11/2021

Transaction Details



This report outputs transaction details which can be used for financial reconciliation of RedCard transactions.

Example Report

Column NameData TypeDefinitionExampleSince Report Version
transaction_date_utcdateDate in UTC timezone when charge has been sent in MM/DD/YYYY format02/28/20211
transaction_date_localdateDate in Mx store timezone when charge has been sent in MM/DD/YYYY format02/29/20211
transaction_timestamp_utctimestampTimepoint in UTC timezone when charge has been sent in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS2021-02-28 17:41:121
transaction_timestamp_localtimestampTimepoint in store timezone when charge has been sent in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS2021-02-28 12:41:121
timezonestringThe timezone of the storeUS/Pacific1
amount_captured0.00FAmount of in-store transactions in currency. This value does not include any markup.5.191
currencystringCurrency as per ISO 4217USD1
merchant_store_idstringThe merchant's store identifier3011
store_namestringStore nameThe Market1
business_idThe ID of the business associated with the transaction.110034561
business_namestringBusiness nameMarkets USA1
delivery_uuidstringUUID of Doordash deliveryUUID-string1
external_idstringMerchant's external order identifier. This is only relevant if orders are integrated to Merchant's POS system. If a Mx is on Dasher Shop and Deliver, it will be null. This field may be null when the report is generated.UUID-string1
shopping_protocolstringShopping protocol protocol configured in DoorDash store setup. Identifies if the merchant is fulfilling orders or Dashers are picking.shopper|dasher merchant1
is_consumer_pickupbooleanIs this order pickup or not (is_consumer_pickup)TRUE|FALSE1
approval_codestring5 or 6 digit numbers unique ID assigned to a given authorization. It is printed on the receipt at the point of sale.937951
allowance_idstringID of allowance in allowance table of payment database. This value comes from Marqeta Payment Processor.UUID-string1
network_reference_idstringNetwork-assigned unique identifier of the transaction. This value comes from Marqeta Payment Processor.1
acting_card_first_sixintegerDoorDash’s BIN, always the same (539186) but not exclusive to this number5391861
acting_card_last_fourintegerLast four digits of red card PAN from marqeta settlements98871
marqeta_merchant_namestringMerchant Name passed through payment network (from the merchant to their (acquiring) payment processor to DoorDash’s payment processor (marqeta)MARKET #12341
marqeta_store_idstringMechant StoreID extracted from Marqeta data12341
is_settledbooleanWhether marqeta transaction is settled or notTRUE1
crc_barcodeCRC barcode1
dashpassbooleanWhether or not a subscription discount was applied to the transaction.TRUE1
store_refund_dollar0.00Frefund amount in dollar5.121
store_charge_dollar0.00Fcharge amount in dollar6.121
store_street_addressstringstore street address123 South Avenue1
is_scheduled_orderbooleanis order schedule for deliveryTRUE|FALSE1
order_received_time_localtimestampTimepoint with timezone of actual order place in Merchant's store timezone in YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS2021-02-28 17:41:121
order_scheduled_time_localtimestamptimestamp when order was scheduled2021-01-22 17:44:471
store_confirmed_time_localtimestamptimestamp when store confirmed the order2021-01-22 17:44:471
dasher_arrived_at_store_time_localtimestamptimestamp when dasher arrived at the store to pick up the order2021-04-20 17:08:051
pickup_time_localtimestamptime at dasher started picking up the order2021-04-20 17:08:051
payment_protocoltimestampprotocol for payments like red card etc1
bag_fee0.00Fbag fee total in the order0.121
bag_fee_tax_amount0.00Fbag feel total tax for the order0.011
is_doubledashbooleanif uuid is doubledash then true else falseTRUE1
bottle_deposit_feeintegerbottle deposit fee121
receipt_barcodestringbarcode of receiptxdda1
submit_platformstringPlatform customer used (iOS, desktop, Android, mobile web)android1
hashed_consumer_idstringhashed consumer IDsdfasfa1341-asfax2
total_snap_ebt_amount0.00FAmount paid for the item using SNAP EBT card03
total_return_snap_ebt_amount0.00FSnap abt amount refunded when an order is returned03
order_cart_idintegerCart ID from checkout. This is sent to Fiserv, and is needed by Mx to reconcile123456788993837383
cup_fee_amount0.00FCup fee amount03
cup_fee_tax_amount0.00FCup fee tax amount03
bottle_deposit_fee_tax_amount0.00Fbottle deposit fee tax amount03
state_province_tax_amount0.00FState province tax amount03

Order Item

Report Type - NV_ORDER_ITEMS


This report outputs item level details of orders, including picked, not found, and substituted items.

Example Report

Column NameData TypeDefinitionExampleSince Report Version
delivery_uuidstringThe universally unique identifier for a delivery.8be22d51-b630-4053-872f-9455fd8beba71
delivery_created_attimestampThe date and time when the delivery was created.01/23/20231
store_idintegerThe unique identifier for a store.9848031
store_namestringStore nameThe Market1
merchant_store_idstringThe Merchant's store identifier10/27/19001
business_idintegerThe unique identifier for a business.4128161
business_namestringBusiness nameMarkets USA1
shopping_protocolstringThe protocol used for shopping (e.g. curbside pickup, delivery, etc.).DASHER_PICK|MERCHANT_PICK1
dasher_idintegerThe unique identifier for a Dasher (i.e. the person delivering the order).13074791
item_idintegerThe unique identifier for an item.67788336951
item_merchant_supplied_idstringId of the item supplied by merchant302898-0-11
item_namestringThe name of the item.Advil Ibuprofen Coated Tablets 200 mg (24 ct)1
substitution_preferencestringThe substitution preference for the item (e.g. allow substitutions, prefer exact item, do not substitute, etc.).substitute1
was_requestedintegerA boolean value indicating whether the item was requested (i.e. included in the original order).1|01
was_foundintegerA boolean value indicating whether the item was found in the store.1|11
was_missingintegerA boolean value indicating whether the item was missing from the store.1|21
was_subbedintegerA boolean value indicating whether the item was substituted with another item.1|31
was_refundedintegerA boolean value indicating whether the item was refunded.1|41
subintegerFlag indicating if item is substitute1|51
requested_item_idintegerThe unique identifier for the requested item.72363976261
requested_item_merchant_supplied_idstringOriginally requested merchants supplied item id in case of substitution192007803391
requested_item_namestringOriginally requested item name in case of substitutionAdvil Ibuprofen Coated Tablets 100 mg (24 ct)1
picked_attimestampTime when the time was picked by Cx01/23/20231
not_found_attimestampTime when the time was marked as not found by Cx01/23/20231
shop_start_timetimestampTime when Dx started shopping for the delivery01/23/20231
shop_end_timetimestampTime when Dx completed shopping for the delivery01/23/20231
is_alcoholbooleanIndicates whether the item is an alcohol product.TRUE1
quantityintegertotal quantity of items being delivered121
weighted_quantity0.00Fthe total weight of the items being delivered, with each item being weighed individually12/31/18991
quantity_requestedintegerthe quantity of items requested by the customer111
upc_idstringUnique ID07/08/34151
measurement_unitstringWeighed quantity of the itemeach1
is_weighted_itemintegerWhether the item is weighedTRUE1
item_priceintegerUnit price of the item in USD currency5491
item_price_dollar0.00FUnit price of the item in US dollar01/03/19001
total_item_price_dollar0.00FTotal price of the item in US dollar01/03/19001
item_tax_amount_dollar0.00FTotal tax paid for the item in USD dollar12/31/18991
is_deliveredbooleanIndicates whether the item was delivered or was removed from the cart due to Dasher inability to find the item or the item being out of stock.TRUE1
delivery_zip_codestringzip code for delivery address02/09/20221
substituted_for_item_merchant_supplied_idstringitem_merchant_supplied_id substituted12/16/488871
delivery_created_date_utcdateDate when delivery is created (UTC)01/23/20231
delivery_created_timestamp_utctimestamptimestamp when delivery is created (UTC)01/23/20231
store_transaction_date_utcdatedate when transaction is done at store (UTC)01/23/20231
store_transaction_timestamp_utctimestamptimestamp when transaction is done at store (UTC)01/23/20231
item_price_no_markup_dollar0.00Fitem price without markup01/03/19001
aisle_name_l1stringAisle category 1Snacks1
aisle_name_l2stringAisle category 2Chips1
brandstringbrand of itemAdvil1
total_item_priceintegerTotal price of the item in USD currency27801
tax_rateintegerTax rate of the item71
tax_amountintegerTotal tax paid for the item in USD currency2021
categorystringCategory of the itemMedicine1
delivery_fraud_rule_indintegerFlag indicating when grand rule was fired for delivery01
delivery_cr_categorystringCategory of the item in case of when fraud rule is firedno_cr_issued1
sub_ratingintegerDate and time when rating was provided by Cx for substitution11
sub_rating_timestamptimestampRating provided by Cx for substitution03/25/20231
tags_selectedvariantTags selected when the rating of the substitution is provided[ "SUBS_RATING_TAG_OTHER" ]1
commentvariantAdditional comment when the rating of the substitution is providedstandard substitution comment1
item_uuidstringUUID of the item9526bda5-d722-4904-b5b3-af072d771c401
item_pick_start_timetimestampItem pick start time01/04/20221
item_pick_end_timetimestampItem pick end time01/04/20221
item_pick_duration_secondsintegerTime in seconds taken by Dx for picking the item3561
cancelled_attimestampCanceled date time of the canceled delivery (UTC)09/05/20211
is_missing_incorrectbooleanFlag indicating whether delivery is marked M&I by either Cx or supportFALSE1
is_from_store_to_usbooleanFlag indicating whether the delivery is driveFALSE1
is_cancelledbooleanFlag indicating whether the delivery is canceledFALSE1
is_snap_eligiblebooleanFlag indicating whether the item is eligible to pay with SNAP EBT CardFALSE1
snap_ebt_amountintegerAmount paid for the item using SNAP EBT card01
credit_card_amountintegerAmount paid for the item using credit card4991
etl_load_attimestampETL insert time04/17/20231
item_price_localintegerUnit price of the item in local currency dollar4991
total_item_price_localintegerTotal price of the item in local currency dollar4991
is_doubledashbooleanif uuid is doubledash then true else falseTRUE1
item_price_no_markup_total_dollar0.00Fprice of item markup total in dollar4.991
item_was_returnedbooleanWhether item was returned or notTRUE2
return_delivery_uuidstringUUID of Doordash return delivery8be22d51-b630-4053-872f-9455fd8beba72
return_timestamp_utctimestampWhen was delivery return in utc timestamp2021-04-20 17:08:052
return_timestamp_localtimestampWhen was delivery return in local timestamp2021-04-20 17:08:052
delivery_was_returnedbooleanWhether all the items in the delivery were returnedFALSE2
snap_return_amount0.00FSnap abt amount refunded when an item is returned03
unadj_item_tax_rate0.00FThis is the aggregate sales tax rate used to calculate that would have been used on this item. This value will not be affected by EBT SNAP amount applied. Actual sales tax paid by dollar amount will be populated in Sales Tax.1.63
unadj_item_tax_amount_dollar0.00FWhat the tax amount would have been if the item was paid for with non-EBT; Online Revenue multiplied by Original Sales Tax rate (includes mark-up).0.093
order_cart_idintegerCart ID from checkout. This is sent to Fiserv, and is needed by Mx to reconcile123456788993837383
item_price_local_dollar0.00FUnit price of the item local in dollar10.014
total_item_price_local_dollar0.00FTotal price of the item local in dollar20.024
tax_amount_local0.00FTotal tax paid for the item local currency5.014
item_tax_amount_local_dollar0.00FTotal tax paid for the item local currency in dollar10.024

Operations and Consumer Feedback



This report outputs operational metrics such as shop time, missing & incorrect, SNAP data, etc. as well as all customer feedback that has been received (item level reviews, store level reviews, etc.)

Example Report

Column NameData TypeDefinitionExample
active_datedateDelivery Completed Time (in Local Timezone)02/28/2021
created_attimestampDelivery created time (in UTC)10/19/2024 23:35:36
delivery_uuidstringDoorDash Delivery Identifier in UUID formatUUID-string
store_idintegerDoorDash Store ID345
store_namestringDoorDash Store name301
business_idintegerDoorDash Business IDUUID-string
external_order_referencestringOptional - if provided, this will be Order Identifier managed by Merchant.The Market
pos_delivery_idintegerOptional - if POS integration is done, this will be Order Identifier managed at Pont of Sale system.5486816
d2r_minutesintegerDMeasures minutes from when dasher accepts the order to when they reaches to the Merchant's geo fence area1
r2c_minutesintegerMeasures minutes from when dasher marks the order as picked up to when they mark the order as delivered1
shop_timeintegerMeasures minutes that Dasher takes to pick & shop items at the store.1
is_asapintegerCx placed an order with delivery requested as soon as possible vs scheduling the order for future timestamp.1|0
lateness_minsintegerMeasures minutes of order being delivered late to customer from promised time. It could be negative if order was delivered before promised time.11
is_store_eligible_for_snapebtbooleanTRUE if store is eligible to receive SNAP/EBT Orders.TRUE
snap_ebt_amountintegerSnap EBT amount for the order, in cents.20.29
cx_platformstringCustomer Operating System, ie. iOS, Android, Web.ios
cancellation_categorystringOptional - If order is cancelled, the cancellation category is provided by Dasher or Customer.1|0
fulfillment_item_countintegerTotal number of items that were fulfilled for the order1
is_all_filledbooleanFlag indicating all the items requested are fullfilledTRUE
is_missing_incorrectbooleanDelivery contains any missing or incorrect itemsTRUE
not_found_before_subs_item_counintegerNumber of original requested items missing before the substitution.2
is_poor_food_qualitybooleanFlag indicating items are with poor food quality as suggested by Customer.TRUE
merchant_ratingintegerRating provided by the customer about the merchant5
merchant_commentsstringComments provided by the customer about the merchantcomments