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How to ingest and update menus


In order to ingest and update menus via the Developer Portal, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user attempting the request must have access to the Developer Portal (connect with your organization's Developer Portal admin to be added as a user)
  • The integration must have menu pull set up to support both menu creation and menu update.
  • The integration must have test stores created


To ensure that menu integration functionality works as expected, users are able to trigger menu ingestion (create) and menu update requests from DoorDash's services to your configured endpoints.

This functionality should be primarily used for testing and troubleshooting menu pull and should not be relied upon as the primary method to send menu updates, as DoorDash has menu push endpoints for this purpose.

Get Started

Step 1: Navigate to Stores within Developer Portal

Login to the DoorDash Developer Portal and navigate to the stores page in the Marketplace dropdown menu to view your test and/or production stores.

For each store, there is an option to Ingest menu and Update menus after selecting the three dots next to the test store:

Developer Portal - Ingest and Update Menus screenshot

Step 2: Choose whether you want to ingest or update the menu

  • If the intention is to create net-new menu(s) for the store, the Ingest menu option should be selected.
  • If the intention is to update the existing menu(s) for the store, the Update menus option should be selected.

Please refer to our documentation on creating and updating menus via menu pull for more information as well.

Step 3a: Ingesting a menu

If Ingest menu is selected, a modal will appear. In this modal, it will prompt the user to name the menu they are ingesting as well as decide whether to activate the new menu. If the option to activate the new menu is selected, the net-new menu will appear on the DoorDash store after it has been successfully ingested.

Developer Portal - Ingest Menu Modal

When ready, the user can press the Ingest menu button in order to trigger DoorDash to make a menu pull request to your configured endpoints.

Step 3b: Updating a menu

If the intention is to update existing menu(s) for the store and the Update menus option is selected, a modal will appear. In this modal, it will warn the user that this button will attempt to refresh all existing and active menus for this store. When ready, the user can press the Update menu button in order to trigger DoorDash to make a menu pull request to your configured endpoints.

Developer Portal - Update Menus Modal

Progress Check

In order to confirm the menu pull job succeeded without any issues, navigate to event logs within the Developer Portal.

Within Event Logs, the user can filter on name MENU_PULL to see all recent menu pull requests:

Developer Portal - Menu Pull Event Logs

Once the menu ingestion/update job has completed on the DoorDash side, you should receive a processing-complete webhook from DoorDash, but you can also navigate to the store on our Marketplace to verify your updates.

Developer Portal - Menu Pull Store Link


  1. What can I do if the menu updates are not reflecting on the live DoorDash page even though the response on the MENU_PULL webhook was successful?

If the expected menu updates, either via ingestion or update, are not reflecting on the live DoorDash page, even though the MENU_PULL webhook did not fail, please reach out to Support via the Developer Portal. Our team will be able to provide more information as to why the menu failed to be updated by DoorDash.