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Simulate deliveries for testing

API: Drive (classic)

This doc covers the Drive (classic) API. If you're using the Drive API, see the how-to guide for simulating Drive deliveries.

The Delivery Simulator is for testing your application and creates simulated deliveries. Deliveries created in the Delivery Simulator are for testing purposes, and therefore, not dispatched to dashers. Therefore, if you need to test webhooks for these deliveries, you will need to transition the states of each delivery individually from the Delivery Simulator.

Using the delivery simulator​

The delivery simulator allows you to easily create new test deliveries and update the state of a recently created delivery. After each state change, the status of the delivery should reflect the state in the API response. In Drive (classic), you will also receive webhook payloads with each state change.

Delivery Simulator

Creating a test delivery​

There are two way to get a delivery into the delivery simulator:

  1. Create a delivery through the user experience.
  2. Create a delivery through the API using a sandbox key.

Updating the state of a delivery​

The delivery can be updated to any of the valid next states. The dropdown will populate with the states which are valid.

Supported states

  • Created
  • Dasher confirmed
  • Dasher Arrived at Pickup
  • Delivery Picked Up
  • Dasher Arrived at Dropoff
  • Delivered
  • Cancelled

Other important notes​

  • Test deliveries will get automatically cancelled after one hour.
  • Not all valid webhooks (classic only) are able to be simulated.