Catalog Management API Payloadβ
Example JSON Payloadβ
Click to expand JSON Payload Example
"scope": {
"business_ids": [
"items": [
"merchant_supplied_item_id": "string",
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"product_traits": [
"other_identifiers": [
"identifier_type": "UPC",
"identifier_value": "string"
"images": [
"url": "string",
"sort_id": 0
"size": {
"details": {
"dimensions": {
"length": {
"value": 2.50,
"unit": "inch"
"width": {
"value": 1.25,
"unit": "inch"
"height": {
"value": 4.50,
"unit": "inch"
"weight": {
"value": 1.12,
"unit": "lbs"
"volume": {
"value": 3.10,
"unit": "oz"
"product_specific_size_definition": {
"value": "string",
"description": "string"
"pack_size_details": {
"count_per_pack": 0,
"per_item_size_details": {
"dimensions": {
"length": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "inch"
"width": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "inch"
"height": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "inch"
"weight": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "lbs"
"volume": {
"value": 0,
"unit": "oz"
"product_specific_size_definition": {
"value": "string",
"description": "string"
"weighted_item_info": {
"average_weight_per_each": 0,
"average_weight_measurement_unit": "ea",
"shop_by_measurement_unit": "kg",
"price_by_measurement_unit": "kg"
"brand_info": {
"name": "string"
"program_eligibility": [
"item_categorizations": [
"category": {
"name": "string",
"sub_category": {}
Overview of Parametersβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
merchant_supplied_item_id | string | Merchant supplied ID to identify an item uniquely within business across all stores. Every item can be shopped by customer must be represented as an unique item | - | Yes |
name | string | tem name provided without any additional attributes (size, brand) OR Item name provided exactly as how it should be uploaded into catalog (including brand, size info) - in the following order: brand > item name > size. | - | Yes |
description | string | Description provided in HTML or plain text | - | No |
product_traits | Array of strings | Specifies the type of product(s) | "ALCOHOL," "MEDICATION," "WEIGHTED" | No |
other_identifiers | Array of objects | Other identifiers associated with the item. UPC = UPC provided per SKU | - | No |
images | Array of objects | Images of the item | - | Yes |
size | object | Size of the item | - | No |
weighted_item_info | object | Attributes related to items sold by weights | - | No |
brand_info | object | Brand of the item if applicable | - | No |
program_eligibility | Array of strings | Program eligibility of the item | "SNAP," "HSA," "FSA" | No |
item_categorizations | Array of objects | SKU path received in separate fields in L1 - L5 category. Must be granular (e.g. Not 'Makeup' but instead 'Bronzer') | - | No |
Object Tablesβ
Other Identifiers Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
identifier_type | string | Type of identifier | "UPC," "PLU," "NSC2," "GTIN" | No |
identifier_value | string | Identifier value | - | No |
Images Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
url | string | Item image URL in JPG or PNG format, min resolution (1400 x 800px), aspect ratio 16:9, max size 2MB. | - | Yes |
sort_id | integer | Order in which images should be displayed | - | No |
Size Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
details | object | Size details of the item | - | No |
pack_size_details | object | Item size details per pack | - | No |
Size Details Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
dimensions | object | Dimension of the product | - | No |
weight | object | Weight of the product | - | No |
volume | object | Volume of the product | - | No |
product_specific_size_definition | object | Product-specific size definition | - | No |
Dimensions Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
length | object | Length of the product | - | No |
width | object | Width of the product | - | No |
height | object | Height of the product | - | No |
Weight Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
value | number | Weight value of the product | - | No |
unit | string | Unit of weight (lbs, gm) | "lbs," "gm" | No |
Volume Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
value | number | Volume value of the product | - | No |
unit | string | Unit of volume (oz) | "oz" | No |
Product-Specific Size Definition Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
value | string | Value of the product-specific size definition | - | No |
description | string | Description of the product-specific size | - | No |
Pack Size Details Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
count_per_pack | number | Number of items per pack | - | No |
per_item_size_details | object | Size details per item in the pack | - | No |
Per Item Size Details Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
dimensions | object | Dimension of the product | - | No |
weight | object | Weight of the product | - | No |
volume | object | Volume of the product | - | No |
product_specific_size_definition | object | Product-specific size definition | - | No |
Weighted Item Info Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
average_weight_per_each | number | Average weight per each item or pack | - | No |
average_weight_measurement_unit | string | Unit of measurement (ea, kg, lb, gm, oz) | "ea," "kg," "lb," "gm," "oz" | No |
shop_by_measurement_unit | string | How the item is shown to customers | "kg," "lb," "gm," "oz" | No |
price_by_measurement_unit | string | How the item is priced | "kg," "lb," "gm," "oz" | No |
Brand Info Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
name | string | Name of the brand | - | No |
Category Objectβ
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Accepted Values | Required |
name | string | Name of the cateogry | - | No |
sub_category | object | Recursive object allowing for multiple levels of cateogry data | - | No |
Recommended for Alcohol Itemsβ
Attribute | Type | Description | Payload JSON Snippet | Required |
Alcoholic item flag | array of strings | Flag alcohol items | ..."product_traits": ["ALCOHOL"],... | Required |
Item size and unit of measurement | string | Indicate size of item | ..."size": {"details": {"product_specific_size_definition": {"value": "750","description": "ml"} } }... | Required |
Container type (with pack size) | object | Indicate type of container (along with pack size) | ..."product_attributes": [ { "attribute_name": "item_count", "attribute_value": { "multi_select_string": [ "6pk cans" ] } }]... | Recommended |
Pack size | object | Indicate number of items in each pack as sold | ..."size": {"pack_size_details": {"count_per_pack": 6} }... | Recommended |
Product volume and unit of measurement (only ounces "oz" accepted) | number | Indicate overall volume sold | ..."size": {"details": {"volume": {"value": 12,"unit": "oz"} } }... | Recommended |
Bottle deposit fee eligible | boolean | Flag items as eligible for bottle deposit fee | ..."product_attributes": [ { "attribute_name": "is_package_fee_eligible", "attribute_value": { "single_select_bool": true } }]... | Recommended |
CBD flag | boolean | Flag CBD items | ..."product_attributes": [ { "attribute_name": "cbd_flag", "attribute_value": { "single_select_bool": true } }]... | Required for CBD items |