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Inventory Feed

The Inventory Feed file represents a store-level data export that contains all of the pricing and availability information for each sellable item. This data is used to create or update the store’s menu on DoorDash Marketplace and dictate the visible items and their associated prices & taxes.

This information is shared with DoorDash at least daily (max 3x per day). When a new file is detected, the ETL transformation will begin automatically to align the file with our processor’s standard format. Once the ETL process completes, a webhook is sent to our internal processor that kicks off the Menu update. This process generally takes 2-4 hours to complete but can extend depending on the amount of data received.

Image displaying the user interface in doordash under a grocery store.

Sample File Requirements

To kickoff an Integration build, DoorDash requires a sample of the file that will be used as the Inventory Feed. Ideally inventory data will be sent in the format outlined under ‘Inventory Feed Setup’, however these are not strict requirements. If you are unable to meet these requirements, please work with your Technical Account Manager to align on a path forward. We will build the ETL logic based on this sample, so ensure that the production file you intend to send matches this format.

Inventory Feed Setup

Once your sample file has been approved, DoorDash requires a daily, automated transfer of the file to our SFTP server. The following expectations are in place for Inventory Feeds:

  • File Type: Flat file (CSV)
  • File Naming Convention: inventory_{yyyy}{mm}{dd}{hh}{MM}.csv
  • Transfer Path: daily_feed/v1/{yyyy}{mm}{dd}
  • File Cadence: Minimum daily refresh of Inventory Feed data (availability & pricing). This process should be automated and occur on a set scheduled time.

Inventory File Fields

Field NameDescriptionRequired/OptionalFormat
store_idMerchant Store IDRequiredstring
sku_idMerchant SKU IDRequiredstring
upcUniversal Product Code of SKU (preferrably in GTIN-14 format)Optionalstring
categoryItem Category (may be different than DD Marketplace)Optionalstring
nameItem Name (may be different than DD Marketplace)Requiredstring
descriptionItem Description (may be different than DD Marketplace)Optionalstring
priceItem price per sellable unitRequirednumber w/ 2 decimal
sale_priceItem sale or promotional priceRequired*number w/ 2 decimal
loyalty_priceItem price for loyalty club membersRequired*number w/ 2 decimal
bottle_deposit_feeCRV fee amountRequired*number w/ 2 decimal
tax_rateLocal tax rate for itemRequirednumber w/ 4 decimal
is_activeItem is in stock at storeRequiredTrue/False
balance_on_handQuantity of available items in storeOptionalnumber
last_sold_date_dataDate item was last sold in storeOptionalstring
is_alcoholItem is alcoholicRequired*True/False
is_weighted_itemIdentifies if item is sold by weight in storesRequired*string
approximate_sold_as _quantityFor Items sold by weight - Approx. weight of a single sellable itemRequired*string (decimal)
item_locationText field with some location identifierOptionalstring

Required* = Required in certain situations depending on integration

Inventory Sample File

store_idsku_idupccategorynamedescriptionpricesale_priceloyalty_pricebottle_deposit_feetax_rateis_activelast_sold_dateis_alcoholis_weighted_itemapproximate_sold_as _quantityitem_locationbottle_deposit_feepromotion_typepromotion_purchase_quantitypromotion_quantitypromotion_total_pricepromotion_percentagepromotion_price_offpromotion_quantity_limit_per_cartpromotion_start_timepromotion_end_time
2705977012000001291-0DrinksPepsi Soft Drink Cola Bottle (20 oz)Pepsi Soft Drink Cola Bottle (20 oz)2.551.991.997.5000TRUE1/5/2024FALSEFALSEBuy X for Y251/20/20241/25/2024
2705977044500201819-0ProduceBananas (Bunch)Bananas (Bunch)2.754.0000FALSE1/5/2024FALSETRUE3.5Buy X Get Y Z% Off1110011/20/20241/25/2024
2705977012332434235-0ProduceBananas (Each)Bananas (Each)34.0000TRUE1/2/2024FALSEFALSE1Buy X Save $Y321/20/20241/25/2024