WooCommerce Plugin Settings
This doc covers the Local Delivery by DoorDash plugin for WooCommerce, available for free installation on WordPress.org. For a guide on installation, check out our Get Started with WooCommerce tutorial.
With the Local Delivery by DoorDash plugin for WooCommerce, your store can offer convenient local delivery to customers right from within the shopping cart—no app needed. This guide includes best practices for configuring DoorDash settings within your WooCommerce admin, from managing shipping zones to setting delivery fees.
Shipping Zones
Once you’ve installed the plugin, DoorDash Delivery will be available as a shipping method that you can add to any of your WooCommerce shipping zones. You can read more about creating and managing WooCommerce shipping zones here.
It’s important to note that adding DoorDash to a shipping zone does not guarantee that DoorDash will be able to deliver to every customer within that zone. When a customer views their shopping cart or enters checkout, the plugin will automatically call the DoorDash Drive API in the backend to confirm that the pickup and dropoff address pair are serviceable and get a delivery fee quote. If DoorDash is unable to deliver between the two provided addresses, e.g. because the distance exceeds DoorDash’s maximum in that geographical area, the customer will not see local delivery as an available option at checkout.
Maximum radii vary slightly by geography and the types of goods being delivered. DoorDash will confirm your maximum delivery radius once you’re ready to launch, but as a rough estimate, DoorDash can deliver non-perishable goods within about a 15-mile radius, and can deliver perishable goods within roughly 7-10 miles as the crow flies.
Given the above, it’s recommended to create a shipping zone for local delivery that contains the list of zip codes that roughly fall within DoorDash’s delivery radius. If your store already offers local pickup, it may be easiest to use that existing shipping zone for local delivery as well. This free online tool can be used to pull a list of zip codes in your immediate area.

Delivery Settings
You can choose to offer customers immediate (ASAP) delivery, future (scheduled) delivery, or both. The delivery timing options that customers see at checkout will depend on the delivery hours you’ve set for your store locations, and for ASAP orders, will also depend on the order lead time that’s been set. You should set the Order Lead Time to the number of minutes needed to prep the order for ASAP pickup. For example, a flower shop that needs 30 minutes to pack a floral arrangement for delivery would input “30” in the Order Lead Time settings field.

If a customer is checking out at 12:00pm and selects ASAP delivery, DoorDash will return a delivery quote based on a pickup time of 12:30pm.
Fees Configuration
DoorDash will collect an agreed-upon delivery rate directly from the store. You can control whether and how much your customers pay for local delivery. There are three options:
- No charge for customer (shop pays): Local delivery is free, and the store operator will cover DoorDash’s delivery fee in full
- Charge customer the quoted DoorDash rate: The delivery fee quoted by DoorDash will be charged to the customer in full. This fee may vary based on delivery distance.
- Charge customer a fixed rate: Recommended. With this option, you can set a flat Delivery Fee, e.g. $5.00 to partially subsidize the DoorDash delivery fee for your customers.
Lastly, it is optional but recommended to give customers the option to tip the delivery driver. Tips are collected by DoorDash along with the DoorDash delivery fee and are paid to the Dasher for each delivery. Tips have a significant impact on assignment times and will have a positive overall effect on delivery quality. Stores that have tipping enabled are eligible for reduced delivery fees.